Saturday, November 29, 2014

Well .... hi there.... Lord I've been too long away from the "pen" OR more aptly put.... the "keys". What a journey. Last "I WAS" writing , my 17 year old Savannah & "I " were living in our own apt. with our beloved Emerald-Boo,{our kitty}. Life had settled into a "new kind of normal". As Savannah is the youngest of 4, {she was my "surprise" !!!! .... you're gonna have another "Angel" at 35 baby....} .... & what a pure delight she was. Silky black, wavy hair, beautiful almond-shaped eyes, & a tiny "I'm-gonna-break-into-a-smile-any-second-mouth."And that darling expression has ALWAYS been on her pretty face. Somehow, she is a whole 19 years old & married. 3 months. I won't go into all that right now. Teen marriage seems to be "trending" again however.  It's been a "LONG,LONG" time for my writing. You see .... Savannah & I became homeless 20 months ago. "I AM" just now becoming more "mentally functional" after that trauma & adjusted to this "multiple-resident housing thing". S0-0 the story I feel I should condense these "jumbled thoughts" to & share will be this "adventure". Starting with the day the "Sheriff" locked us out. I "KNEW" homelessness was coming our way for the past 3 months & "I WAS" fighting it "tooth & nail". Praise God my then Pastor rescued us twice....once out of his own bank account !!!! God had been "rescuing" us at the 11th hour, 59th second, for several months & we felt no reason why "He" would change that strategy. Needless to say, the SECOND mistake " I MARRIED" conned his way quite professionally out of FOURTEEN years of child support. Guess his "secure roof" was more important than that of his children. O.k. .... enough of that. It ain't over 'til it's over !! Still.... it was creeping up on us. That "fateful" morning I got Savannah out the door & began mentally preparing myself for whatever was to come. It was her senior year. She left with a smile & her sweet, melodic voice said lovingly,"Don't worry Momma. It'll be alright. YOU KNOW GOD will come through. I'll see you after school."4 hours later ?? Nothing. Every single last ditch effort had been made to earn/gather my rent. Nada. I swear I was ever hopeful & surprisingly positive believing in miracles all of my life & seeing many. And then their it was. It was like a "death knell". The reverberating sound of the front door bell. My heart beat became rapid. I had very little packed as Savannah & I had been standing on our faith. I bravely opened the door. There to greet me was the leasing "Agent", the maintenance man, {the maintenance man ??} ...  yep, & your friendly local Sheriff. Lol. The cop looked at me like "I WAS" stupid. "You know the date today ?? " He said."Yes sir.... I surely do. March 18th, 2013. {A date forever etched in my memory. 10 days after my Savannah's 17th birthday.} " He said,"You have no more than 30 minutes to collect what you can as we "stand by". That moment ?? I went into a form of shock. "I WAS" on "auto pilot". My brother-buddy Shawn had shown up in case this "scenario" was really going to become a reality. It did. Shawn drove his pick-up over. What I could fit into the back ONE time ?? We got to keep. "I had NO place" to go . Our precious & VERY pregnant kitty cat "Emerald" I could not take. I always called her my "Emerald Queen". She was "due" in about a week. "I WAS" very nearly sick to my stomach at the thought of not only parting with her but locking her out the back door. The floating thought simultaneously passed through my mind that Savannah was happily at school,{Savannah LOVED school}, believing with "ALL" her heart that our God was going to provide the rent that morning. Where was I to go ?? I knew I needed to keep the tragedy from her so she could focus on school. I would text her at school's end. Some of that late morning into early afternoon is a blur. .... God IS good .... ESPECIALLY when you're living a "Footprints In The Sand" segment of life. It was "THEN" that "HE" carried "ME". I had been called into a fast the day before. The Lord knew what we were about to endure. "I went walking all afternoon, seeking "Him" & biding the time knowing I had to text my girl the "news". The sun came out though the fresh air was a tad biting. I felt an unnatural "Peace".... I felt "His" presence. I can honestly say the good Lord has NEVER, EVER let me down. EVER. Through an entirely traumatic life, "He" has been, to me, EVIDENTLY there !! .... It is 2:55 p.m. I have to send the text. "I AM" at the corner gas station by the bus stop. Savannah & I catch the #53 here quite often where I write my "View From A Bus" stories from. I messaged her to get off the school bus at this location instead of her usual which normally would take her just another block farther. She messaged,"O.k. Momma.... why" .... she had no doubt our faith in use meant we still had a home. My heart sank as I replied,"I'll tell you when I see you".... I delved inwardly deeper into that "secret place" with my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. Lord I inwardly cried,"PLEASE prepare Savannahs heart now for this news. Our lives have instantly, drastically changed & may never be the same. Grace Jesus, please !! .... In the last 5 minutes before her bus came.... "I wandered" around the corner as I had been praying. When I came back around, there she was. That sweet child 'o mine. She looked so innocent, so young, so alone yet .... trusting, peaceful. I went straight to her & instantly wrapped my arms around her. My children are the air that "I BREATHE".... they keep my heart beating.... they give me a reason & hope to persevere through my life that's endured nothing but hardship. I slowly pulled away. Of course she knew. Huge tears filled her beautiful blue eyes. She began to shake. Fear crept over her. She said ,"Momma.... I can't go through this kind of thing again. What are we going to do ?? WHERE are we going to go ?? .... Her eyes were S0-0 huge, so scared, so.... I wanted to die. My heart spoke the Name....Jesus. Then aloud, softly, Jesus. And the name of one, sole friend entered my mind. I said ,"C'mon baby.... I know where to go. It'll be O.k." .... Savannah was literally weak in the knees as I kept my arm around her little waist waiting for the light to turn green. It wouldn't be a long walk. The "Good News" is .... we had not only warm, but loving shelter that evening with our "Church" friends. From that point, they paid 2 days & nights at a motel/apt. which stretched into a week with other "Church" family corraling around us in Love & support. There was a total of 2 months spent at a local, wonderful "Christian" family shelter. Savannah only had to stay 1 month and her sister took her in. The shelter opened every door needed for me to gain access to the resources necessary to obtain "housing" getting us on our feet again. Only 1 night "I HAD" to spend sleeping behind an "H& R Block" building.... & I can chuckle now, but this was "AFTER I LEFT" the shelter & couldn't get a hold of my "overnight stay" person. There is a "Divine Purpose" in it "ALL" .... Years ago, when my eldest 2 grand daughters were small, they'd come to Nana's, we'd blast up our favorite "Christian" tunes & sing & dance together "ALL" through the house. One  of our "pet" songs said,"I wanna be your hands, I wanna be your feet.... I wanna 'GO' where you send me, 'GO' where you send me." For us those aren't just words to a song.... they are a declaration to the Lord. EVERY morning, appreciating the lusciously warm water in my shower, I'd pray for the homeless. 6 years later ?? God tested me. AND Savannah. WE ARE "Ruth & Naomi. Where you go , I'll go.... where you stay, I'll stay.... when you move, I will follow. "I AM" residing with 5 others in a "Shared Housing" residence, my 2nd one since leaving the "shelter". For 8 months "I snuck" my child into a certain place nightly so she would have shelter as well. My baby met a young man during our 1rst year getting back on our feet. They wed in August this year & occupy a "Christian Agape" house. There is GREAT need for ministry in these "step down" places from the "shelter". I rec'o'nize "I AM" on the "local mission field" & Jesus is preparing me for far away lands. "My Heart IS 'HIS'.... 'HE' put me to the test.... & 'He' knows I truly WILL.... 'GO' where 'He' sends me. God never sleeps nor slumbers. "He" ALWAYS hears us when we pray. Sometimes it's yes, sometimes it's no, sometimes it's wait. Sometimes we are taken aback as our "answer" seems hidden & it "feels" like Jesus has left us. This is a "desert place, a wilderness season". This is a place of great growth, stretching, reaching new levels & heights. Our relationship with "Him" matures, becomes ever more secure as we learn, in these "wilderness seasons" to trust "him" even more, apply deeper faith, watch "Him" show "His" strong arm great on our behalf. "He" IS faithful,"He" is just,"He" is True, "He" will never let you down. Oh .... & Emerald ?? She was taken in by an older single woman. A former "WAC" nurse in Vietnam. She ran away twice & was found at our apartment doorstep. I know she was awaiting Savannah's return.This is "bittersweet". It's O.k. though. Everybody is safe & warm  .... Selah .... Yours At The Keys, Sher;)   

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Heart for an Eye: Save Rocky!: I found Rocky on a Tuesday evening while walking m...

A Heart for an Eye: Save Rocky!: I found Rocky on a Tuesday evening while walking m...: I found Rocky on a Tuesday evening while walking my dog Birdie. i was returning home when.  His eyes were crusted shut . He hardly had th... "I AM" exactly the kind of soul that needs "Kardashian" $$ .... I would be broke in a week & that would be wonderful to me because I would help  heal , save & restore EVERY child, animal  & impoverished soul on the Planet !!!! .... Since "I AM" not financially wealthy yet, I pray without ceasing for these situations. It really eats my lunch while the "elite, wealthy & bored" folks of the "rich" areas in the World are wondering what boring part of the Earth they can "Vacation" to next while helpless , innocent children, animals & the poor continue to suffer needlessly. God help us "ALL" as a "Judgement Day's" a comin' & God don't like ugly.... "He" don't like ugly.... Blessings & may the necessary $$ come to you from the North, South, East & the West in a spectacular way that will blow your mind so you can declare it to others that,"WOW !!!! .... That had to be God, it must be God.... IT IS GOD that showed up because "He" cares for "ALL" His Creation in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen & Amen <3 <3 <3 .... Selah <3